So I've decided that when I can't think of anything to blog about I'm going to do a post like this...which is just a bunch of random music thoughts I've had this week...tell me what you think here...
Thoughts of the Week beginning July 5th, 2009
1. So I was a little dissappointed with the Rothbury webcast. First of all, the only headliner that they showed was String Cheese Incident on Friday night. My guess is that Bob Dylan and the Dead's record labels wouldn't allow live webcasts...get with the times dudes. Second, the webcast reset itself every 4 minutes. So you'd be in the middle of a rockin part of a song and the browser resets. Then you gotta hit play again and it'd take a minute to load. How fucking lame is that?
2. The best performance I saw from the Rothbury webcast was The Black Crowes set. After seeing their set I am definitely jotting them down on the Most Wanted Ticket list (coming soon...stay tuned). I never truly understood how great of a guitarist Rich Robinson was.
3. Pete Yorn performed a couple songs off of his new CD "Back and Forth" on Jimmy Kimmel last night. I'm liking what I'm hearing...and that's Pete. Dude has got a fantastic sound, and surprisingly, a great backing band.
4. Speaking of Pete Yorn...a friend of mine from work asked me if I wanted to see him play at the Webster Theater in NYC in a couple weeks. I think I'm going to take him up on the tickets...small the city...sounds like a good time.
5. In other concert news...I'm going to see Stone Temple Pilots next Friday down at the Mohegan Sun. Although I am adamantly against indoor concerts in the summer season...I will make an exception for STP since I have been waiting years to see them, and I finally get to see them with one of my oldest friends...who's seen them in concert dozens of times.
6. The Michael Jackson memorial on Tuesday went a bit overboard. Who knew it was going to last all day long? I wonder if advertisers bought spots for the 8 hour extravaganza? That'd be truly sick. I heard a rumor that the Jackson family is asking the city of L.A. to pay for the $4 million funeral.
7. Speaking of MJ...have you seen Ron Artest's tribute song/video to MJ? It's soooooooooo bad I laughed my ass off when I heard it. It starts off slow and turns into straight hip-hop halfway through the song. The lyrics are offensive and MJ would've never approved of such a song. Jim Norton from the Opie & Anthony show had some choice words about it, but I shan't repeat them here. I refuse to post the video on my website, but here's the link to it if you're brave (NOTE: this is absolutely 100% NOT work appropriate).
8. I've finally picked up the guitar again after a few months leave of absence. I think I finally have some inspiration and ideas in mind...I just wish I could afford a better guitar. Oh well...I'll make due for now. Jimi Hendrix learned to play on a pawned guitar...and then learned to play it upside-down...if that's not inspiring I don't know what is.
9. I turned on Paladia (great channel if you like live music...Comcast and DirecTV both carry it) yesterday and found a Foo Fighters concert from June of 2008. It was the largest show the band ever played. It took place in the storied Wembley Stadium in London with a soldout crowd of 86,000. Just to give you a point of reference...Bonnaroo had about 75,000 this this crowd was everybody at Bonnaroo PLUS another 10,000. It was absolutely insane. And check out their stage (below)! It rotated and faced the crowd in 3 different directions.
Thoughts of the Week beginning July 5th, 2009
1. So I was a little dissappointed with the Rothbury webcast. First of all, the only headliner that they showed was String Cheese Incident on Friday night. My guess is that Bob Dylan and the Dead's record labels wouldn't allow live webcasts...get with the times dudes. Second, the webcast reset itself every 4 minutes. So you'd be in the middle of a rockin part of a song and the browser resets. Then you gotta hit play again and it'd take a minute to load. How fucking lame is that?
2. The best performance I saw from the Rothbury webcast was The Black Crowes set. After seeing their set I am definitely jotting them down on the Most Wanted Ticket list (coming soon...stay tuned). I never truly understood how great of a guitarist Rich Robinson was.
3. Pete Yorn performed a couple songs off of his new CD "Back and Forth" on Jimmy Kimmel last night. I'm liking what I'm hearing...and that's Pete. Dude has got a fantastic sound, and surprisingly, a great backing band.
4. Speaking of Pete Yorn...a friend of mine from work asked me if I wanted to see him play at the Webster Theater in NYC in a couple weeks. I think I'm going to take him up on the tickets...small the city...sounds like a good time.
5. In other concert news...I'm going to see Stone Temple Pilots next Friday down at the Mohegan Sun. Although I am adamantly against indoor concerts in the summer season...I will make an exception for STP since I have been waiting years to see them, and I finally get to see them with one of my oldest friends...who's seen them in concert dozens of times.
6. The Michael Jackson memorial on Tuesday went a bit overboard. Who knew it was going to last all day long? I wonder if advertisers bought spots for the 8 hour extravaganza? That'd be truly sick. I heard a rumor that the Jackson family is asking the city of L.A. to pay for the $4 million funeral.
7. Speaking of MJ...have you seen Ron Artest's tribute song/video to MJ? It's soooooooooo bad I laughed my ass off when I heard it. It starts off slow and turns into straight hip-hop halfway through the song. The lyrics are offensive and MJ would've never approved of such a song. Jim Norton from the Opie & Anthony show had some choice words about it, but I shan't repeat them here. I refuse to post the video on my website, but here's the link to it if you're brave (NOTE: this is absolutely 100% NOT work appropriate).
8. I've finally picked up the guitar again after a few months leave of absence. I think I finally have some inspiration and ideas in mind...I just wish I could afford a better guitar. Oh well...I'll make due for now. Jimi Hendrix learned to play on a pawned guitar...and then learned to play it upside-down...if that's not inspiring I don't know what is.
9. I turned on Paladia (great channel if you like live music...Comcast and DirecTV both carry it) yesterday and found a Foo Fighters concert from June of 2008. It was the largest show the band ever played. It took place in the storied Wembley Stadium in London with a soldout crowd of 86,000. Just to give you a point of reference...Bonnaroo had about 75,000 this this crowd was everybody at Bonnaroo PLUS another 10,000. It was absolutely insane. And check out their stage (below)! It rotated and faced the crowd in 3 different directions.

10. Oh and I left out this little tidbit about that show. Towards the end of the show Dave Grohl got all emotional because the crowd was so awesome. So he said he wanted to do something special for the the guitarist and bassist leave the stage...and out walk Jimmy Page and John Paul Jones...that's right 1/2 of Led Zeppelin on stage with Dave Grohl (now on drums) and Taylor Hawkins (now on vocals). I thought they were going to play a Foo song, but then I heard one of the most memorable drum lines to ever start a song (this is a MUST WATCH for any Foo Fighters or Led Zeppelin fan)...
How fucking cool was that? Yeah...go change your underwear!
And that wraps up my most recent random music thoughts....
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