Sunday, August 30, 2009
Outside Lands on YouTube!

Sunday, August 23, 2009
Random Thoughts of the Week
1. Wolfmother has a new album coming out soon (October 13th) entitled Cosmic Egg. I would have to say that this is one of the albums I am most looking forward to hearing in late 2009. Wolfmother's, Andrew Stockdale, has the vocal ability of a young Robert Plant. He can sustain extremely powerful notes with little to no strain on his vocals. I must say that when this band went on hiatus after their last album I was very disappointed. It's been a long time since they've done anything new.
So anyway, I was very excited when I was rummaging through the interweb and stumbled upon the following videos on RollingStone.com. These videos are Andrew Stockdale playing an exclusive, acoustic set in Rolling Stone's studios. No backing instruments, just him and his stringbox playing two NEW songs off of the upcoming album. Also, if you haven't heard their first single, "New Moon Rising", you must hear it...it fucking rocks! Check it out on their website.
2. The first two legendary NYC farewell concerts have already wrapped up for Nine Inch Nails. They played Saturday night at the Bowery Ballroom and on Sunday night at the Webster Theater. I wanted to go to one of these shows real bad since I missed their "farewell" concert at Bonnaroo this year. However, all 3 of these NYC shows sold out in pre-sale and were exclusive to NIN fan club members...which I am not. You know that Trent Reznor is gonna go all out for these shows. They are all being taped...I'm guessing for an upcoming DVD (NIN DVD's kick major ass)!The set lists for both shows are pretty incredible...including the band playing the entire Downward Spiral album from beginning to end on Sunday night. Check out pics, videos, and setlists for the shows over at BrooklynVegan. NIN will finish their NYC shows on Tuesday and Wednesday with back to back sets at Terminal 5.
3. If anyone is interested in going to see Heaven and Hell (Tuesday at the WAMU Theater at MSG) ...more importantly with Coheed and Cambria...tickets are going 1/2 price. I would do anything to go see Coheed again, but I'm not going to pay 60 bucks to go see them play an opening act for Ronnie James Dio's Black Sabbath...thats bullshit...Heaven and Hell should be opening for them. Nothing against Dio or Tony Iommi, but what's Black Sabbath without Ozzy? If interested buy tickets here.
4. Other good concerts coming to the Hartford area this week..
Thursday, August 27th
Heaven and Hell w/ Coheed and Cambria - Chevrolet Theater
Saturday,August 29th
Blink 182 w/ Weezer and Taking Back Sunday - Comcast Theater
Counting Crows w/ Michael Franti & Spearhead, Augustana - Mohegan Sun
5. If you haven't heard any songs from Them Crooked Vultures (Dave Grohl, John Paul Jones, Josh Homme's new supergroup)...check out some footage of their surprise European shows at Spin.com.
6. Weezer has a new song coming out off of their upcoming album Raditude. The song is called "(If You're Wondering If I Want You To) I Want You To" (hahahahahaha...awesome). Apparently, the song made it's way onto YouTube the other day and then quickly found it's way off the website. It's amazing how this happens almost every week now...somebody rips a song from a recording studio, posts it on YouTube, then it gets taken down a couple days later. Same thing happened with Pearl Jam's new single, "The Fixer", which is now only available on the Ten Club website. If I was a professional musician I'd probably be pretty pissed, but I'm not...therefore, I'm cool with it. Either way, a new Weezer album sounds pretty good to me.
7. Speaking of Pearl Jam's upcoming album Backspacer...here is what Spin.com had to say about it...
"Even the requisite restrained ballads feel renewed: “The End” finds Vedder
channeling Cat Stevens, backed by a string and brass ensemble. Then there’s
the towering anthem “Amongst the Waves,” which could bring “Alive” fans
back to the fold. It even expands on that song’s theme, moving from grudging
survival to jubilant exuberance (“I’ve put away my early grave”). For the
first time in years, Pearl Jam are seizing the moment rather than wallowing in it."
I don't know about you, but I can't wait to hear "Amongst the Waves".
8. For those of you who love countdown lists...here is a pretty cool one. The website Pitchfork has created a list of the Top 500 Songs of the 2000's (thanks to Brandon on this cool find). The Top 20 is pretty solid until you get into the Top 5...which is absolutely horrific and his justifications still do no justice. If this guy seriously thinks that "Bombs Over Baghdad" is the best song of the decade he should seriously stop writing about music...permanently. I'm totally serious...I detest this guys music taste if his Top 5 is truly what is marked down...it's borderline insulting. I love Outkast and the song brings back awesome memories of my Freshman year of college, but seriously?! I'll file this under "practical jokes" and move on...
NOTE: Other practical jokes on list...M.I.A. with 2 songs in the Top 50. Ever heard her live? When you do you'll understand...
That's all I got for now...
Concert Video of the Week
This video comes from this past summer at Bonnaroo 2009. This is Phish playing "Punch You in the Eye" on Friday night. Despite this being one of my favorite Phish songs, I picked this because of the amazing Glow Stick war...check it out...it's one of the coolest things I've seen at a show...there were literally thousands upon thousands...
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Music Thoughts of the Week
1. So Lollapalooza happened last weekend. The lineup looked outstanding at first glance. However, when I read JamBase's review I was shocked to read most of the bands at the festival getting bashed. I agree with some of their reviews (such as Animal Collective not being that great in concert...they sure didn't put on a great show at Bonnaroo), but others were just absurd (bashing Coheed is never a good idea in my book...whether you like their concept or not they're some of the most talented musicians on the planet). The group of reviewers seemed biased towards certain types of music and instead of writing worthy reviews, they wrote little blurbs about each band...I mean seriously...my Bonnaroo blog was longer. Don't try and see every band because it's unfair to the fans. In my opinion, if I were part of a large operation like theirs I would go see the biggest bands on the ticket, followed by the best performers, followed by the best up and comers...trying to review every act is gonna drive you mad. Plus that would take forever to write.
2. The biggest mistake at Lollapalooza in my mind...letting Jane's Addiction headline. Look...I know the festival is Perry Farrell's brainchild and all, but JA hasn't put out a decent album in over a decade...and even still their music was never that fantastic to headline a festival over bands like Kings of Leon, Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Ben Harper, Snoop Dogg, or even Lou Reed. Apparently for their encore of "Jane Says" they brought out Joe Perry (from Aerosmith...duh) to play guitar...acoustic guitar. Why of all songs would they get Joe Perry to come and play guitar on "Jane Says"...for those of you who don't play the guitar the whole song can be played with 3 chords. In my opinion...that was a slap in the face. You're gonna bring out one of the most well known electric players in the world and force him to play an easy acoustic song...that's fucked up...plain and simple. Bad form Perry Farrell.
3. Now that I think about it...I wouldn't have picked Depeche Mode or The Killers to headline either. The Killers are too new to headline a festival and they have a couple good songs backed by a lot of terrible, terrible songs. Their latest CD is garbage...way too "pop"-y for me. Also, Depeche Mode is electronic music...and in my opinion...is not the type of music that Lollapalooza is based around. Lolla started as a rock festival and should stay that way. They're trying to be a metropolitan version of Bonnaroo by bringing in a variety of acts. Sounds to me like Lolla needs to get back to its roots.
4. Also in Lollapalooza news...Them Crooked Vultures (Dave Grohl, John Paul Jones, and Josh Homme's new fusion band) made their debut in Chicago last week for a very special night show at The Metro. I was right...Homme is doing vocals. Here's the setlist they played.
5. Was super stoked to hear that a My Morning Jacket song will appear in Guitar Hero 5. Especially since it is my personal favorite, "One Big Holiday". Can't wait to shred some Carl Broemmel. Also heard that Johnny Cash, Carlos Santana, and Shirley Manson will have cameos in the game. I understand Santana and Manson did their own motion capture, but they had some tribute artist do Johnny Cash's. I think they should've picked someone else honestly...that's not fair to the late legend.
6. So apparently Aerosmith has cancelled the rest of their summer tour with ZZ Top after Steven Tyler fell off the stage last week at Sturgis while singing "Love in an Elevator". He broke his shoulder and suffered some other back and neck injuries. This coming after he already injured his leg while playing earlier this summer at Mohegan Sun. Sounds to me like the aging Tyler needs to cool down his antics a little bit...after all he is 3 years away from being able to collect Social Security...not that he needs it.
7. Read on Yahoo! Music that Radiohead's upcoming single has leaked on-line. Being that this is a "leaked" song and not completely legal I am not going to post the video on the site, but check it out on YouTube. Song is called "These Are My Twisted Words". Give it a listen.
8. R.I.P. Les Paul...where would rock music be today without you?
9. Last week marked the 40th Anniversary of Woodstock and some sweet tributes were happening at concerts around the world. Here's the coolest one I heard about...Ronnie Wood (you know, from that band...what are they called? The Rolling somethings...) joined Pearl Jam on stage in London for a bluesy version of "All Along the Watchtower". The song apparently included some battling solos between Wood, Mike McCready, and Stone Gossard...gonna try and find the video of that one. Apparently, hey also brought out Simon Townsend (Pete's brother) later in the night to play a cover of The Who's "The Real Me"...groovy.
10. I really wanted to go to Phish last night in Hartford. However, work prevented me from going. I wasn't too bummed until I read the review of the show on JamBase (great review...much different tone than the Lolla review)...apparently it was one of their best shows this summer...including covers of the Talking Heads' "Psycho Killer" and an encore of The Beatles "While My Guitar Gently Weeps".
11. Just found out today that Phil Lesh and Bob Weir (of Grateful Dead fame) are teaming up again...this time with Joe Russo (Benevento/Russo Duo), John Kadlecik (Dark Star Orchestra), and two others from Weir's backing band, Rat Dog. The name of the band is called Furthur. I'm sure we'll be seeing them on some big festival tickets next summer...most likely Bonnaroo and Rothbury.
12. Alice in Chains has new album coming out...the first single is a tribute to Layne Staley, entitled "Black Gives Way to Blue" and features ELTON JOHN on piano and backing vocals. The album comes out September 29th. I don't know why, but for some reason I can't picture Elton John standing side by side next to Jerry Cantrell...weird. Hopefully this isn't the start of some new trend...imagine if you were at a Pearl Jam concert and Barry Manilow were to walk out on stage? Yeah...thats messed up.
And finally...a new addition to the weekly submission...here's the first ever...
Concert Video of the Week
This weeks video comes off of Coheed and Cambria's "NeverEnder" DVD set. This was filmed last October 25th in Terminal 5 in New York City. It features Warren Haynes (Allman Bros., Gov't Mule) as a guest guitarist. This is the best version of "Welcome Home" I have ever heard...
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
O.A.R. Show Review - 8/8/09
3:00pm - Friends arrive to "pre-game" before the show. We kick back a few and sit on the deck and discuss how awesome the show is going to be tonight.
5:00pm - The rest of the crew arrives. We take 4 car loads to the show. The plan is to all park next to each other and have one massive tailgate party. However, the first 2 cars leave 10 minutes before the other 2 cars. Can you guess what happened?
6:00pm - The 4 cars ended up splitting up. 2 in one lot, 2 in the other. After much arguing about who should move where and how we ended up like this, everybody decides to stay put and we'll meet inside. Good idea...?
6:30pm - My new friend and I whoop the Pittsburgh guys at bagg-o. First game I have won in quite some time. I am feeling very good. So good that I decide it's time to have a few beers before the show. Good thing I've got a 6-pack of Yuengling, which I hadn't drank in a good 6 months (how I missed thee!).
7:30pm - My good friend Kyle decided to be a great friend and bring a bottle of Jagermeister and a 4-pack of Red Bull. Sure...I'll do a shot. Nothing like deer blood mixed with taurine!
8:00pm - 3 JagerBombs later it's time to head towards the main gate. Better grab a brew for the road...better make it two.
08:30pm - Arrive at Tailgate Camp 2 to drop off tickets. Most of the rest of my crew went in the main gate to catch Matt Nathanson's set. I wanted to see him, but I forgot to give my buddy his ticket earlier...bummer. I chill with them for a little bit and down another tasty libation.
09:00pm - Arrive at the main gate after the long walk. My feet hurt. I think I may be beginning to feel the effects of the Jager. I love Jager!
09:05pm - The booze has turned on me...the guy at the front gate was being a jerk and told me to sit out for 5 minutes...I told him ok. I immediately walk in to the line next to his and get right in...staring at him the whole time thinking in my mind, "5 minutes my ass! HA!"
09:10pm - We walk to the lawn...it is in between sets. I've lost every one except for my buddy Dale. I decide to lie down in the grass and enjoy the atmosphere until O.A.R. comes on stage.
10:30pm - I HATE Jager! Apparently those bombs were a little stronger than I thought. Somehow when I was relaxing I let my eyes close (these things happen when you work until 4am every night). I awaken to loud music and people dancing. Dale says behind me, "Hey dude! Have a nice nap?" "No! I didn't just do this..." was my first thought. "Oh shit...yes I did..." was my second. "Where the hell am I..." was my third. It's time to get up and savor what I can of this show. Rally caps!
11:45pm - I found the rest of the group that was missing and we danced our asses off for the last hour of the show. Turns out I only missed about half of the show...you know...the stuff I wanted to see. Like a couple acoustic songs, including what I heard was a pretty awesome version of "I Feel Home". It's probably one of their better written songs, but I still like their faster stuff. I was still able to hear my favorite songs, "Night Shift" and "About an Hour Ago"...both were fantastic. Here's the set list:
Hey Girl
About Mr. Brown
The Wanderer
So Moved On
I Feel Home (Acoustic)
Lay Down (Acoustic)
What Is Mine
On My Way
This Town <------First song I heard
Night Shift
War Song
Mr. Moon
Delicate Few
About An Hour Ago
Crazy Game of Poker
11:45pm - My roomate and I are creating zig-zag patterns on the way back to the car. Some dude selling concert shirts approach us...we impulse buy a pair for 10 bucks...not a bad deal for a shirt that will disintegrate after a dozen times through the washing machine. We then impulse buy a couple burgers and hot dogs from some pleasant street vendors with dreadlocks and then hop in the car to go home. No after party? Bummer. The End.
CONCLUSION: So yeah...pretty decent show. I am still disappointed with myself...and as a result I promise all of you that this will NEVER happen again. I vow to NEVER drink Jagermeister at a concert again...straight beer for me thank you. The next show slated is Kings of Leon next month. I will have a full review for you then. It will be bad ass and make up for everything I couldn't put in this review.
On a lighter note...this is one of the best hip-hop songs I have ever heard...
Thursday, August 6, 2009
The Top Albums of 2009 (so far)...and what to look forward to in the next 5 months...
So what are these albums and why haven't you heard them yet? Because there is so much music out there today that it's hard for us to narrow down the great from all the good. I'm going to educate you on what I think have been some of the best albums to come out this year so far and why you should download them. Also...I'm going to give you a preview of what else is coming out in the fall/winter of 09'...thats right dudes...summer is almost over...at least for those of us in the Northeastern United States.
Here's the list (in no particular order):
- Passion Pit - Manners
Why you should download...because "The Reeling" and "Little Secrets" may be the Boston bands catchiest songs.
- Wilco - Wilco (The Album)
Why you should download...because Wilco is finally back to their original song writing style and no longer trying to appease the masses. Jeff Tweedy's vocals have never sounded better.
- Yeah Yeah Yeahs - Its Blitz
Why you should download...because this is my early front runner for Album of the Year. Great album from beginning to end and showcases a few songs that sound simple, but are very complex in style. Karen O's voice rings on the song "Runaway"...it'll get stuck in your head all day.
- Grizzly Bear - Veckatimest
Why you should download...because you've never heard so many different styles of music on one album. If that doesn't sell you right away just listen to the song "Two Weeks".
- Dave Matthews Band - Big Whiskey and the Groogrux King
Why you should download...because of the song "Why I Am"....a great tribute to the legendary LeRoi Moore.
- Animal Collective - Merriweather Post Pavilion
Why you should download...because this may be the most talked about album of the year by music critics across the country...check out their performance of "Summertime Clothes" on Letterman.
- Silversun Pickups - Swoon
Why you should download...because for months I thought that Nikki Monniger was a great vocalist...until I learned it was Brian Aubert doing the singing. Dude has one awesome voice. Plus...their performance on MTV Unplugged was phenomenal.
- Patterson Hood - Murdering Oscar (and other love songs)
Why you should download...because the Drive-By Truckers leader began writing this album 15 years ago when his life was a disaster and finished it last year...updating some of the old songs and creating sequel songs.
- Dream Theater - Black Clouds and Silver Linings
Why you should download...because the song "The Shattered Fortress" contains the last three parts of Mike Portnoy's Twelve-step Suite...a series of songs dedicated to his battle with alcoholism. Also...because Dream Theater is the most talented band in the world and this album helps prove it again.
So that's the best of the year so far (in my opinion at least). Here's a look at some albums coming out later this year...some awesome ones in here...look carefully...
- Vampire Weekend - (TBD) - September
- Pearl Jam - Backspacer - September 20th
- Stone Temple Pilots - (TBD) - December
- Collective Soul - Rabbit - August 25th
- The Black Crowes - Before the Frost... - September 1st
- Pete Yorn and Scarlett Johannson - The Break Up Album - September 8th
- Jay Z - Blueprint - September 11th
- Muse - The Resistance - September 14th
- The Flaming Lips - Embryonic - September
- Phish - Joy - September 8th
- Wolfmother - Cosmic Egg - October 13th
Pretty sweet eh? Lots of humongous releases coming out next month. Anyway...that's it for now...I'll be back this weekend with a review of the O.A.R. show.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Music Thoughts of the Week
1. Apparently Phish played a historic 4-day concert over the weekend at the infamous Red Rocks Ampitheater in Morrison, Colorado. On Sunday, original Dead member, Bill Kreutzmann, joined the band on drums for their second set. That's one step closer to the ultimate hipster dream of a Phish-Grateful Dead conglomeration. Pics and set lists from the show can be found here.
2. Attention fans of supergroups (i.e. Audioslave, Velvet Revolver, Chickenfoot)! Another supergroup has announced their arrival...introducing Them Crooked Vultures...featuring Dave Grohl (Foo Fighters, Nirvana) on drums, Josh Homme (Queens of the Stone Age) on guitar, and the legendary John Paul Jones (Led Zeppelin) on bass. Fucking awesome right?! JPJ with Grohl? I'm guessing Homme is going to be doing the singing. Anyway, they're apparently making a (not-so) super secret first appearance at a Lollapalooza night show at the Metro in Chicago. More info here.
3. The Dead Weather are pulling a page from Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. Apparently the band put golden "photo-booth" strips (you know...those cheesy photo booths that you and your high school sweetheart made out in the local mall?) in six of their albums across the country. Only 2 have been found so far. The winners get a trip to Nashville (woo?) to visit Jack White's recording studio. Check it.
4. I don't have FUSE anymore, but maybe you do. If you do you should check out Best of Bonnaroo Vol. 5 premiering Saturday night at 11:00pm. Performances include MGMT (apparently one of the best shows of the weekend...I was at moe.), Jimmy Buffett, Ben Harper and Relentless7, and Ani DiFranco. Plus...if you missed it...it's followed up by Vol. 4.
5. O.A.R. show on Thursday...full show review on the way...I'm hoping to get some sweet drunk quotes from the 12 people that are coming with me. Should be interesting.
6. One of the best articles I've ever read on My Morning Jacket. Open Salon states, "My Morning Jacket is the best thing to happen to rock music in years." Read it here. Also, it hints that they are back in the studio recording a new album.
That's it for right now...summer concert season is reaching its twilight...get the hell out there and see some shows!